JAN 14, 2017: Peopling / Mr.Transylvania / Multa Nox / Painted Faces / Cop Funeral / Kate Mohanty / Looks Realistic / Matt Robidoux
FEB 18, 2017: Canyon River Blues / Hey Exit / Nighttime / The Spookfish
APR 22, 2017: Mezzanine Swimmers / Computer Syndrome / Sophie Leetman / Flower Show / Space Meow Doll
MAY 13, 2017: Kate Mohanty / Headless Statue / Dead River Company / Eugene the Jeep / Problems that Fix Themselves / The Wildest Smiling Faces / Forget the Times / Serial Chillers
JUN 17, 2017: Video James / Willie Reverb / Sam Gas Can / Ryan Kayhart / The Cradle / Ramblin' Sal / The Cradle / No B
JUL 9, 2017: MPE / M'Lady / "Shecky"
JUN 15, 2018: Radio Shock / Human Flourishing / Dead River Company / Surf Hair / Self Avoiding Walk
JUL 21, 2018: The Hell Hole Store / Space Meow Doll / brokeMC/PSIRENS / Pitstain
AUG 18, 2018: Liam Kirby / Wildest Smiling Faces / Doctor Strain / Birth of Stacey
SEP 15, 2018: G.T. Arpe / Russ Alderson / Alexa666 / Painted Faces
OCT 6, 2018: Ryan Kayhart Gallery
NOV 17, 2018: Soulworm / Lauds / Greyon Greene / Night Mayor
DEC 14, 2018: Nighttime / Hey Exit / Canyon River Blues
JAN 12, 2019: Headless Statue / Painted Faces (Freak Band) / Ursula Kennedy / Jesus is The Reason for The Skinny / Juan TwinMg
MAR 30, 2019: Joey Mollnaro / Golden Egg / Peopling / Eugene the Jeep / Lutkie
APR 13, 2019: Mezzanine Swimmers / Lily Konigsberg / Dean Cercone / Katrina Stonehart / The Spookfish / Jessica Ackerley
MAY 25, 2019: Big Hiatus / Vacuus / Hard Job / Chorty Hartle / Kate Mohanty
JUN 15, 2019: Cameron Christopher Stuart as the Lemon Kid / Bradley Bailey / Andy Borsz / Alex C
JUL 27, 2019: Red Diploma / 2uarm / SPREADERS / Painted Faces / Moth Eggs / Luxe Malone
AUG 16, 2019: Ghost Piss / Harry Cloud / Ecstasy Police
SEP 14, 2019: Katy The Kyng / Jaguar Psychosis / Preston Spurlock / Jacob Becker / Speech by Mike Green & David Drucker
OCT 19, 2019: Irrevery / Kenny Millions + Dave Grollman / Andy Borsz / TBHQ / Hey Exit (2)
DEC 21, 2019: Peace Enforcer / Gene Baker / Eva Louise / Painted Faces
OCT 31, 2020: Bill Burr / Milford Graves / Nighttime
NOV 20, 2021: This is Lorelei / Posterboy2000 / Mercury Symbol / Torr / Nebita
JUN 4, 2022: Painted Faces / Receive / Andy Borsz / Ruminatinggg
AUG 6, 2022: Ecstasy Police / Dalias / Aiqi Huang + Kirk Anderson / Candace Newmaker / Viz Wel
OCT 15, 2022: R.O.F.L. / Sick Din / Painted Faces / Jaguar Psychosis / Yynad Zednanref / Eugene the Jeep
FEB 25, 2023: Afterlife Online / Food Corps / Alden Penner / Rolling On The Floor, Laughing
APR 15, 2023: Matthew Regula / COMPULSORY / p0rt0 x Ecstasy Police / Bad Trips
MAY 20, 2023: Dr. Evilletown / Bugger / Brian Sullivan / Painted Faces / Ecstasy Police
JUN 24, 2023: ghstflwr / Putty Knife / Ben Tripp / Silent Light
AUG 26, 2023: Trey Cregan / Many Many Girls / Empty Streets
SEP 30, 2023: Painted Faces / Cop Funeral / Wtfaach
OCT 21, 2023: Nite Mirror / Lucy York / Receiver / Onward Debacle
FEB 24, 2024: Arklight / Google Bus / Impossible Drama
DEC 9, 2023: Skin Prisoner + The Liar / Seneca Newmaker / Ecstasy Police (the flier is inaccurate and was never updated)
APR 20, 2024: Tan Saturn / Preston Spurlock / Dream Puzzles / Golder
MAY 26, 2024: Bookworms / Baggie / Henry Rozich / Daywaiter
JUN 29, 2024: Corset Lore / Ecstasy Police / Funny Pat / DJ Elmo Kush
JUL 27, 2024: Alex C. / Wallfacer / Big Hiatus (2)
AUG 23, 2024: Vid Linger / Dr. Evilltowne / Painted Faces / Jericho Kane
SEP 21, 2024: Echo Beauty Terror / Food Corps / Bassudac / Painted Faces
OCT 26, 2024: No Juventud / "Play with Friends" / Fistfuck / Gabe Raines
DEC 7, 2024: Indeterminate Trio / Jack Pottz / Mike Videopunk
JAN 25, 2025: Spreaders / Yynad Zednanref / Messica Arson / Konrad Kamm / Eugene the Jeep
FEB 28, 2025: Some Sapphire / Wizardbear1000 / Silent Light / Ecstasy Police